11 Departures per week
Intermodal connections to Scandinavia
Standard Timetable
Duisburg - Trelleborg v.v.
Duisburg - Trelleborg v.v. Duisburg Trelleborg Trelleborg Duisburg Closing Arrival Departure Arrival Monday 17:55 Wednesday 09:00 Monday 14:30 Wednesday 03:05 Tuesday 17:55 Wednesday 20:30 Tuesday 20:00 Thursday 09:30 Wednesday 17:55 Thursday 19:45 Wednesday 07:30 Thursday 09:30 Thursday 17:55 Friday 19:30 Wednesday 21:30 Friday 09:30 Friday 17:55 Tuesday 09:00 Thursday 08:30 Friday 09:30 Friday 20:50 Sunday 10:30 Friday 08:00 Saturday 09:30 Saturday 10:50 Tuesday 09:00 Friday 20:30 Monday 05:00 Saturday 20:30 Monday 05:00 * subject to change
Conditions & Informations
Booking procedure
Please submit your booking online.
Our team will process your booking, check availability with an appropriate train operator and arrange your booking. Please kindly notice that processing of the booking might take some time and booking confirmation term will take up to 3 hours. Please concider that according to the general terms and conditions of the train operator booking spot confirmation on the chosen departure can not be concidered as departure and can be changed due to the technical circumstancies.
Please find the explanation of our intermodal online booking system here:
Checklist for trailer delivery
For a smooth trailer delivery you will find a helpful checklist here.
Terminal Information
Terminal Duisburg
Alte Ruhrorter Straße 11
Hafennr. 3697
47119 Duisburg
Coordinates: 51°27’6.089”N 6°44’58.782”E
Mo: 05:00 – 00:00
Tue- Fri.: all day
Sat.: 00:00- 13:00
Terminal Information
Length (loading unit) up to and including 7.82m exceeding 7.82m day of provision period of provision Monday to Thursday < 36 hours free of charge time >36-60 hours 8,00€ 16,00€ >60-84 hours 8,00€ 16,00€ >84-348 hours 16,00€ / 24 hours 32,00€ / 24 hours >348 hours 32,00€ / 24 hours 64,00€ / 24 hours Friday < 72 hours
free of charge time >72-96 hours 8,00€ 16,00€ >96-120 hours 8,00€ 16,00€ >120-336 hours 16,00€ / 24 hours 32,00€ / 24 hours >336 hours 32,00€ / 24 hours 64,00€ / 24 hours Saturday <66 hours free of charge time >66-90 hours 8,00€ 16,00€ >90-114 hours 8,00€ 16,00€ >114-354 hours 16,00€ / 24 hours 32,00€ / 24 hours >354 hours 32,00€ / 24 hours 64,00€ / 24 hours Sunday <6 hours free of charge >48-72 hours 8,00€ 16,00€ >72-96 hours 8,00€ 16,00€ >96-336 hours 16,00€ / 24 hours 32,00€ / 24 hours >336 hours 32,00€ / 24 hours 64,00€ / 24 hours Delay penalty for loading units with dangerous goods Dangerous goods units must be collected from the DUSS terminal on the day of receipt, but at the latest within the opening hours of the following working day. If loading units are not collected within this period, a late collection penalty will be charged. Here is the following price scale applies (per loading unit and calender day). on the 1st calender day 23,00€ / day on the 2nd calender day 73,00€ / day on the 3rd calender day 136,00€ / day