Freight Rate Calculator
The TT-Line freight calculator allows you to individually calculate your total transport costs for the connections Travemünde-Trelleborg, Rostock-Trelleborg, Swinoujscie-Trelleborg, Trelleborg-Klaipeda and Continent-Klaipeda.
Please select your corresponding route and enter details about your transport unit below - the corresponding freight costs including current surcharges will be calculated automatically for you. You can also use the calculator, if you have received an individual offer tailored to your volumes by overwriting the tariff rate.
The amount of the surcharge depends on the route and is stated in our tariffs.
Please contact us for a personalized quote for your transports!
Routes & Services
Here you will find an overview of the routes offered by TT-Line and their schedules.
New Customer
Prospective & New Customers
If you are not yet a TT-Line freight customer, please contact our Sales Department. We will be happy to provide you with an offer based on your transport volume.
Prospective & New Customers Read more